Take care of my sheep, said Jesus to St Peter (John 21:16). It was the first command Jesus gave to Peter as the chief shepherd of his Church.
We believe that Church should be a safe space for everybody, all the time, because Jesus called us to be a safe haven to all. Sadly, however, the Church can become a place of danger for people who are vulnerable. Recognizing our Church's failure to take seriously abuses which have taken place in our midst, we are trying to develop robust safeguarding procedures and policies to prevent abuse ever happening again.
We also know that, for some people who have been subjected to abuse or cruelty elsewhere, the Church is the one place they feel they can feel safe to speak about it. So we're also trying to become a place where those who come to us for help can find the appropriate onward referral, and in time, healing and peace.
If you want to talk about any matter of safeguarding, you can talk to any of our nominated parish Safeguarding Officers:
You can also get in direct touch with the Diocese of Oxford's Safeguarding team on 01865 208295 or email: safeguardingreferrals@oxford.anglican.org for urgent safeguarding concerns, Mon. to Thurs. 9am to 5pm and Fri. 9am to 4.30pm.
In an emergency, when someone is in imminent danger, please dial 999.
You can find more information on the Oxford diocesan Safeguarding page at https://www.oxford.anglican.org/safeguarding/